DeskPicture User Manual Version 4.0 ©1995 Clay Maeckel DeskPicture is a handy utility that makes it easy for you to display pictures on your desktop and manipulate them to your taste. Once you’ve placed one or more pictures on your desktop, DeskPicture provides many options for adjusting their appearance. In general, DeskPicture offers many of the same functions for moving pictures and changing their size as drawing applications, so if you’ve used that type of application, you should have no problems at all. DeskPicture is provided as shareware from Peirce Software, Inc. This means that you can try out DeskPicture for a limited amount of time. If you find it useful, we ask that you register your copy for $19.95 US. Once you have registered we will send you a registration number that will allow you to turn off the registration reminder in DeskPicture. To register, just print out the registration form from inside DeskPicture and send or fax it, along with your check or credit card information (including expiration date) to: Peirce Software, Inc. 1417 Selborn Place San Jose, CA 95126 Fax: +1 (408) 295-9433 internet: See our web page at: Minimum equipment requirements: A Macintosh computer (MacPlus or better) or Power Macintosh A hard disk drive System 7.0 or higher Installation instructions: From within the Finder, drag the document named “DeskPicture” to the “System Folder” icon. The Finder will automatically place the DeskPicture control panel in the “Control Panels” folder within the system folder. To activate DeskPicture, you must now restart your Macintosh. The “Desk Pictures” folder included with DeskPicture contains a sampling of PICT format pictures for your use. This folder can be located anywhere on your hard disk.